Controls: Mouse & Left-click
Extra: P (pause)

In this game you control a magical flying swordfish named Sabre. There is a horde of sea monsters headed towards a nearby defenseless port town. You must utilize your powers to fly around and skewer all monsters before they reach the port's docks.


Mouse Cursor - Sabre will always move towards your mouse cursor.

Left Click - Sabre lunges towards the point you clicked skewering the first enemy in the way.

P - Toggle Pause Menu


Sabre's lunge has a one second cooldown when used. If your lunge hits an enemy, it instantly resets the cooldown. So you can keep comboing lunges as long as you score hits!


Fish-like Monster - These monsters are dumb and slow.

Dolphin-like Monster - These monsters are fast and periodically dive underneath the surface of the water preventing them from being skewered.

Artillery Whale - These monsters are too large to skewer. They surface only enough to allow a large gun upon their back to begin firing at the docks. You can skewer their shots out of the air though.


Sabre The 14 MB

Install instructions

(I) Download the zipped folder.

(II) Extract both the executable and the pck file to the same folder or your desktop.

(III) Run the executable to play.

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