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Wizard of War

Turn Order

  1. WIZARD: Cast Magic and Summon Machines (only a cannon currently)
  2. MACHINE: Any Machines you have summoned will act autonomously
  3. ENEMY: Enemies on the battlefield will march down based on their movement statistic. And then any Enemies approaching from the mountains, will move onto the battlefield.

Jam Stuff

Made in ~1 week for LOWREZJAM 2023.
Instead of making 1 good game, I decided to make 2 lesser games. This is the second 1.
Other Submission:
I have had this idea for some time. But never really got around to making a playable prototype. The "Invasion" theme seemed to work and reminded me of the idea.

The only real compromise I had to make for the jam's time limit was the fact that, in my original idea, Machines are supposed to be a finite set of objects the player deploys and recalls. So instead of spending mana to summon any number of cannons (like how this jam version is). You would have an arsenal made up of something like 1 long range cannon, 1 short range volley gun, 1 trebuchet, 1 wind pusher machine, etc. And you could deploy, and recall, 1 for free each turn. This would hopefully lead to some interesting strategy of where to place which Machines, when to do so, and then when to recall them for repositioning later. Scope creep got the better of me...

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